My Philosophy and Random Facts

My philosophy:

You limit your future when you limit your imagination.
– Sonya Annita Song

10 random facts you don’t need to know (will change randomly):

  1. If I wake up in the middle of a good dream, I will immediately go back to sleep just to continue it.
  2. I haven’t updated this page in a very long time.
  3. I pluck out any white hairs I can see, usually my own.  I’ll stop when I feel like I’m going bald.
  4. My laptop screen shows 55 tabs open over 3 windows.
  5. Cheesecake should be an acceptable breakfast option: it’s got dairy, cereal-like crumbles, and fruit.
  6. I am 99% introverted, and my sister is 99% extraverted. We get along surprisingly well.
  7. I rarely have nightmares, but when I do, a recurring theme is missing my shoes and wearing socks outside.  It’s quite disturbing.
  8. My wardrobe is more functional than trendy.
  9. My sleep schedule is completely broken.  My husband says my routine is like a clock that runs a little fast, and once a year it matches a normal routine.
  10. My favorite cheese is currently Monterey Jack.


  • Poems will be tweaked, for better or worse, sometimes almost seconds after posting, sometimes years after.


485 thoughts on “My Philosophy and Random Facts

    1. I like No. 6. Where did you get this clock?

      1. Good question. *scratches head* I have no idea. 🙂

  1. I know how you feel about having a love-hate relationship with writing. Cheers!

    1. I’m glad you understand. 🙂

  2. inbetweenthemadness May 31, 2013 — 3:02 am

    Could very easily be describing me! Apart from the cat thing, dog lover all the way. 😀

    1. Haha, that’s awesome. It’s nice to know I’m not alone! 😀

  3. Hahaha! 🙂 I love what you did here, maybe I’ll do something like this on my blog!

    1. The facts that people don’t need to know are always the funnest, I think. 🙂

      1. I agree with that thought. You are not alone on #5. 😀

    1. I’m honored that you would nominate me for any kind of award. My most humble and profound thanks. I will check out the link you provided. 🙂

      1. Yes do . It´s always encouraging to get some credit for ones work…Love to you. Kerstin

  4. What I wrote was merely because it was merited. 🙂

  5. i love that these random facts change. it allows me to get just a little bit more of the loveliness that is you…

  6. whenever you tell yourself you don’t know how to write free verse, read your random facts page. you are a master of any verse. the thoughts and words that flow from you are brilliant– in whatever form or shape they take.

    1. That’s because you have somehow accessed the secret portal into my mind that allows you to directly decipher the meaning of anything I write, regardless of how gibberishy it may sound. But I like that you have a penchant for completely boring and useless facts about other people. Reowr!

      1. somehow i believe your secret portal and my secret portal are connected– perhaps there’s a secret passageway between the two– because the beauty of your “useless facts” is that they serve only to concretely and eerily affirm how well i know you. it’s a beautiful thing.

      2. i love your free spirit Cubby, i enjoy “knowing” aspects of who is behind the work of art

        1. It is definitely interesting to see a bit of what the person behind the writing is like. I’m glad you enjoyed my random facts. 🙂

  7. 🙂 Really loved it.

    1. Love that you loved it! 🙂

  8. I love it my attitude to lifer exactly

    1. The only attitude that makes sense to me. 😉

  9. Hello,

    I have just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. See the details in my posts here

    Keep up the inspiring posts

    1. Many humble thanks for your nomination. I’m honored and flattered, truly.

  10. Aw thank you – you are so kind 🙂

  11. Now I know. But do you know that i nominated you for the Best Moment Award? Yes. Please get the badge at and get more info. Thanks for the moral support. Have a great day. 😀

    1. I did not know that. I very much appreciate the consideration and am flattered by your kindness and generosity. 🙂

  12. I use vaseline as lip balm too. I thought it was primarily meant for that.

    1. I think Vaseline was meant primarily to protect and heal minor cuts and burns. I say, whatever works.

  13. hmm..interesting 🙂

  14. silent simle cracks a thousand words rather writing an essay 🙂

    1. Silent smiles do not speak the same way that words do. Your message would not have gotten across with only that smiley face.

      1. nice. thank you 🙂

  15. Why thank you very much. I’m glad you found something that interests you over here. 🙂

  16. I can relate to current number one…

    1. I’ll qualify your comment by stating it was the one about being a realist and a dreamer. Otherwise, if I change number one to something like, “I can read people’s minds and have x-ray vision”, people won’t think you are crazy too. 😀

  17. I love your poetry. It sings.

    1. Thank you kindly. 🙂 My usual singing voice is a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

  18. matrixilluminos July 7, 2013 — 7:45 am

    love your blog, and wish i could take criticism so well, too!

    1. Hehe, it doesn’t mean I don’t grumble a little at first. 😉

      1. matrixilluminos July 12, 2013 — 6:41 am

        lol..i know what you EXACTLY what you mean!

  19. Fabulous! I don’t know the technical terms (and I’m sure there are some!) but I love the rhythm of your writing and the strong images your choice, and combination, of words make.

    1. Well thank you very kindly. I am delighted that you can enjoy my writing! 🙂

  20. Was I not fine before? If I was not fine before, then I am fine now. As to whether you can change your pants, that is thankfully none of my concern.

  21. Change your poems as much as you want. after all they are yours! i would sugest saving each copy and watch them evolve.

    1. I would have too many copies of my poems if I saved a copy every time I changed a word here and there, but that is a good suggestion for any major revisions. Thanks for the tip. 🙂

  22. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award.
    I know that not everyone wants to participate with the awards so please note that this is a no pressure award; no need to do anything if you do not want to. I just wanted to share with everyone how much I enjoy your blog!
    You can find the information that you need by clicking here…

    1. Why thank you greatly for the honor and consideration. It makes me so happy that you enjoy my blog. I will now go over to your blog and quack a little.

  23. I’m a newbie on the blog world. I’m looking forward to your posts. Thx for helping me find you.

    1. Welcome to the blogging world! I had no idea what it would be like when I started a few months ago, but I hope it is as fulfilling for you as it has been, and continues to be, for me. Best wishes on your new journey! 🙂

      1. Thank you Reowr. So far it has been great. Good people with encouraging words and talent who are willing to share with a total stranger. Awesome.

  24. Well I hope you don’t change to many things. I love the poems you write. Not sure who you got the criticizing from but as far as blogs go you are the most talented person I have come across. But good luck and it’s always good to improve. Just never lose your charm and style in the process.

    1. I received the criticism from someone who was not afraid to tell me exactly how she felt about my work without tiptoeing around my feelings. Brutal, but effective. I, of course, always have the final say as to whether I wish to change anything or not, but it is very rare to have someone offer honest criticism and a waste not to take advantage of it. As for the beyond-flattering remark, I find it so incredibly difficult to believe that I am inclined to believe that you must have eaten something funny or were temporarily possessed by a ghost. Please let us leave it at that as I do not think I can handle anymore flattery; it makes me feel incredibly guilty. So ghost or funny food; those are the only two options. 🙂

      1. Ghost are much more my style. I know I have gotten my poems criticized many times. But I am happy with my hobby as it is. I have had a couple of things published and know I will never aspire to be a poet of technical nature. What ever you do just keep that feline charm and the whimsical flair. I believe it’s who you are.

  25. inbetweenthemadness July 15, 2013 — 2:34 am

    Love coming back here and seeing little changes you make…..Your apparent randomness and quirks make me smile. Although not keen on the sound of being told your titles suck! etc lol

    1. Lol I wasn’t too keen on being told that either at first. Glad you like my random boring facts! 🙂

      1. inbetweenthemadness July 15, 2013 — 7:50 am

        Just think its a cheek! lol All comes down to opinions i guess, i mean i love your stuff and check in more or less daily!

  26. I love your tagline! “because the cat said so!” 🙂

  27. Haha yes, as in the lemon. 😉

  28. Tweaking poems – I can relate!! Pleasure to meet you and discover your work 🙂

    1. The pleasure is mutual. I love the acrostic poems that you have been posting lately, and I hope you post some more. 🙂

  29. Ach so! A Cancer born in the year of the Monkey…not a bad combination…would have been better if not Cancer, but such is life! I’m an Acquarius born in the year of the Dragon…I don’t have an iAnything…my Nokia also still has it’s film screen cover…I fall asleep when I fall asleep and wake when I wake…chocolate even with virtual beavers is wonderful…I smile so much people think I haven’t a worry in the world…I listen more than I talk…I write more than I talk…and I wrote a Haiku for you because I wanted to. Ah…what does tweaking poems mean?

    1. Yeah, I’ve never liked my astrological zodiac sign. Everyone else has much cooler names, like Sagittarius, Aries, and your own, Aquarius, and even the pictures that represent them are nicer too. Mine’s the picture of a crab. I think whoever created this zodiac had a beef against someone born in the cancer months. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me.

      I’ll be on my way over soon to read the haiku you read for me. And tweaking poems means making minor edits, like sticking a few more chocolate chips on a cookie or removing a piece of hair you find from one.

      1. Ah…good thing to do from time to time…honestly I usually get along great with Cancer’s…it’s a homey sort of sign…it’s just that my ex-husband was a cancer…so…

        1. That happens a lot…one bad egg ruins it for everyone. Just like a name you used to love before meeting a person with that same name and the person ends up tainting it.

          1. It’s actually very silly when I think about it…stragely enough, just happens that my two best friends are Cancer…and I seems that I know more Cancers then say Sagittarius…not a one of those dear people in fact!…so I shouldn’t let the ex ruin everyone’s good name!

  30. Hi Tom, is a beautiful site in memory of what sounds like a truly wonderful person. I suspect the site will gain momentum very quickly once writers and artists realize that it is out there. I will consider which of my poems would be worthy of being published on your site. Many thanks, and all the best to you as well.

  31. Now we have the essential facts

  32. Great list. I look forward to reading the updates on your philosophical outlook. Especially if you change your mind about wearing pyjamas 🙂 And thanks for liking my post about my little cat buddy, it takes another animal lover to understand, doesn’t it?

  33. dreamerindenial July 21, 2013 — 3:57 pm


    Thanks for liking the posts on my little infant of a blog. Mostly because it led me to look at yours. It looks extensive and beautiful and every bit as crazy as the vivid images in my head. I look forward to reading it bit by bit in the days to come.
    Do tell me what you thought of the poems.
    Thanks again.. 🙂

    1. New bloggers are always an exciting addition to the blogging community. I anticipate yours will grow rapidly as you continue to post. I will leave some feedback on your site for you. 🙂

  34. Any friend of a kitty is a friend of Cubby. 🙂

  35. Love your random facts!!! Great!

    1. Haha, glad you liked them. 🙂

    1. Hmm, I wonder what I should change those ones now too…maybe something about having alien babies and telepathic powers. 😉

  36. It looks like you just started your blog. Congrats and good luck with your journey! I look forward to reading more of your poems. 🙂

    1. I did! I’m extremely new to this but I hope to put a lot more of my work out there. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

  37. It was my pleasure. Much success and bliss to you as well! 🙂

  38. Too funny. I just read this and seriously…will be snickering for quite awhile. Glad I read it after I got to know you because that made it even more meaningful. Capri’s ????? I never would have guessed that one. Never! LOL on the penguin, for sure. You must explain why or I’ll have to make up my own reason/s and that might not be a good idea. You love to wear a Tux. You don’t like to carry things…you know…those kinds of ideas. LOL

    1. Definitely not because of the Tux, although they do always look pretty spiffy. No, penguins because they look like they are having so much fun when they slide on their bellies. But it is true that I don’t like to carry things. 😉

  39. inbetweenthemadness July 26, 2013 — 10:31 am

    Im so glad i come back and check on here to see if you have updated…so cool learning more about this talented writer/poet…..i have a picture somewhere of me dressed as penguin!! Not a tux, but a penguin with a beak! Good call on fave outfit being PJ;s!!
    Kinda surprised at the no piercings…not sure why, dont think i imagine you with any, but kinda thought you would…..
    There is always a method in the madness, ’cause between the madness, lies our sanity 😉

    1. LOL yes, you would know that very well. I am incredibly unremarkable and normal in appearance to the point that I could probably commit a crime and stand in one of those police lineups and not be recognized. If I got piercings, that would give away my gig…I mean theory. *looks away while whistling and twiddling thumbs*

      1. inbetweenthemadness July 26, 2013 — 10:49 pm

        Lol how very cunning. But no one who writes with you vision or thinks with your creativity should ever use “unremarkable” about themselves, little miss innocent! Lol

  40. ‘Note: Poems will be tweaked, for better or worse, sometimes almost seconds after posting (although I will try hard not to).’
    oh, thank you for saying this, i do this all the time. and it’s one of the reasons i usually publish very early in the morning. *smiles*

    1. It’s hard not to…almost like a compulsion. Thank goodness for the “edit” button. 🙂

  41. Quite uncommon. Many thanks for your regard.

    1. From one cat to another, I have no idea what you’re referring to. Reowr!

  42. inbetweenthemadness July 31, 2013 — 4:06 am

    Enjoy learning more and more about you!
    I’d appreciate the card tricks…love card tricks! 😀

    1. Pick a card any card. Okay, now place it back on top of the pile. No, it can’t be in the middle, it has to be ON TOP! Is this your card? Jack of spades?

      1. inbetweenthemadness July 31, 2013 — 6:16 pm

        :O OMG IT WAS!!! You should be burned at the stake, your are pure witch craft!!! 😀

        1. I prefer the term magician, steak instead of stake, and BBQ instead of fire.

          1. inbetweenthemadness July 31, 2013 — 11:26 pm

            Lol you want to me a magician tied to a steak and burnt over a BBQ? Well, whatever floats your boat 😛

  43. thanks for the visit…interesting site you have here.

  44. Having a party and you’re invited. Bring your own sleeping bag. Or basket.

  45. number 10. is also my dream 🙂

    1. You take the high road, and I’ll take the low road. We are going to Loch Lomond right?

  46. I love your disclaimer that you might tweak poems almost seconds after posting. Me Too!

    1. Good to have in case someone calls you on it. 😉

  47. I have been enjoying your poems! Will certainly return to read more of them.

    1. I’m very happy you have been enjoying them! 🙂

  48. Your random facts made me smile and I realized that many are the same for me! Thank you for all your “likes” and support with my blog, and I am happy to be your poetry friend!

    1. It is amazing how people can have such random things in common. We are mutually happy in our acquaintance. 🙂

  49. I like you attitude to life, its fun and makes me laugh please accept this award nomination

  50. Definition of “judgmental and intolerant”: Passionate opinions persistently presented by people I don’t agree with. 🙂 Where I live, 77F is bordering on cool. We have to laugh at the people who come from waaaay up north (or if you live in the southern hemisphere waaaay down south). There’s a reason houses are built with large, airy windows and very few of the trees are cut down. We can always tell when someone moves here from a colder climate. The first thing they do is cut down all the trees, then they build houses with small windows and complain how hot it is in Florida in the summer. 🙂

    Hmmmm….I think I see another blog entry in my future…

    1. Lol I think your definition is more accurate than the ones given in the dictionary. I wouldn’t cut down trees and make small windows, and air conditioners should make summer pleasant enough. I would trade that for engine-stalling weather at -40 degree Celsius. Nothing funner than getting all bundled up in the freezing cold and scraping ice off a car that won’t start.

      1. I remember going out to the car, starting it up, going back in the house for oatmeal, going out side to scrape the windshield and proceeding to drive to work in a warm car. I remember the cars sliding on ice like they were 2000 pound kids just learning to skate. I remember hoping I wasn’t going to be a victim reality bumper cars or late to work because of an accident. It makes me shiver just thinking about it. 🙂

  51. I have nominated you for the Very Inspired Blogger Award. That’s right, because your writing inspires me to write more and better…really! Congratulations, Cubby! You can see the rules at, Oliana, Whispering Insights.

  52. Delightful! Loving how your playful personality comes through so clearly! Thank you for the like, by which I am glad to have discovered your delicious contributions!

    1. I am always happy to meet new playmates! 🙂

  53. I loved the Einstein quote. Thank you also for stopping by! 🙂

  54. Tis a greaat compliment to have a creature who says so much so simply, enjoy a piece of mine, I who say far less with far more complications – Tiddly Pom

    1. The compliment should lie with the giver who knows that depth of words can exceed the brevity of their form.

      1. Your comment is received and appreciated.

  55. Ooh! That made me giggle … thanks for that 🙂

  56. I, too, am diet Pepsi crazed…..great to meet a fellow addict.

    1. I try not to use the word “addict” or “crazed”. I prefer “enthusiastic” and “devotee”. People are less inclined to lecture me this way. 😛

      1. So, are my word choices now politically incorrect? Educate me, please.

        1. Ah no, I was merely stating a preference when it comes to usage amongst the people I know who are constantly complaining of me drinking too much Diet Pepsi. 🙂

          1. Thanks, Mr C–everybody’s an expert on other people, eh?

            1. Fellow Canadian? And I’m a she. 🙂

              1. Oh, sorry about the gender error, I’m batting 1000 today. Nope, not Canadian, but well close to the border, and a great admirer of my northern neighbors. Seems they grow a lot of fine poets.

  57. I stick post-it notes inside my kindle (I have it in a cover) with reminders and phone numbers and random thoughts. I clear them out every week – sometimes. Love your picture Cubby. I had a cousin we called Cubby.

    1. Post-it notes can run amok if you let them. Cubby is a nice nickname for a person…at least I hope it’s just a nickname…not that there would be anything wrong if her real name was Cubby… *frantically tries to dig out of hole*

      1. You’re okay….no hole. His name was Ralph. Somehow he got to be Cubby. I’d be Cubby or anything else other than Ralph! Is Cubby your cat?

        1. Erm, I guess you could say kind of was…

          1. I am sorry. but I think it is lovely you use that picture for you gravatar.

  58. inbetweenthemadness August 12, 2013 — 4:15 am

    lmao at the diet pepsi….love this page 😀

    1. Hehe I’m glad someone comes back to check the random facts more than once…otherwise there’s no point in changing them! 😀

      1. inbetweenthemadness August 12, 2013 — 4:55 am

        Haha I love them. But only check about once a month and get worried I miss some!

        1. Ah no, I only change them about once a month, so it’s all good. 🙂

          1. inbetweenthemadness August 12, 2013 — 4:57 am

            Phew lol.
            It’s such a cool idea to do that. 🙂

              1. inbetweenthemadness August 12, 2013 — 4:58 am

                Well random is cool. I think I’d run out of things after like two lists haha


  59. Hi Cubby. Thank you for following HoB. Much appreciated!

    1. Something about your face appealed to me. 😉

  60. Thank you also for visiting here. I hope you find something you enjoy. 🙂

  61. You have a great purr. Thank you for visiting also! 🙂

  62. I just read your About page and think you are remarkable for achieving what you have with your left hand. I can’t even draw good stickmen with my right dominant hand. Truly amazing.

  63. Thank you for stopping by. I’m pleased you like the quote. Perhaps it will inspire a new poem for you.

    1. I love quotes and do find them to be inspiring! 🙂

  64. You have such an awesome sense of humor! I really enjoyed your list of “10 Random Facts…” and I am looking forward to checking out your blog more!

    1. Hehe glad you like my sense of humor. Not everyone appreciates it. 😉

  65. I enjoyed wandering around in your blog. I love your poetry and your ability to show what’s below the surface. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I’m glad you found my blog interesting. Your novels look very intriguing! I will have to take a closer look at them. 🙂

  66. Many thanks. I love the concept of your blog. Perfect name for it too. 🙂

  67. I understand what you mean about writing only dark material for awhile. It is nice when we realize that we are able to write about other things as well. 🙂

  68. Thank you for stopping by my Poetry/Blog! You have a unique Blog yourself! Keep up with the writing. Much luck on your future endeavors sent your way!

    1. You have a wonderful blog. Many thanks for visiting! 🙂

  69. Thank you so much for dropping by! We over at wePoets would be happy to showcase your talent! Check out the calendar for what’s up and coming!

    1. WePoets looks like a very new and exciting site! Love the concept. I will definitely check out the calendar! 🙂

  70. I see your point! I do not give enough credit to my readers. *removes qualification* Glad to meet you also! 🙂

  71. I really like your blog, especially the random facts those are cool haha also i wanted to thank you for liking my post on my website i really appreciate it 🙂

    1. Glad you liked my random facts. They are useless but thankfully somewhat entertaining. Thank you for stopping by here also! 🙂

  72. loved the list especially #9 and 10. I giggled on the tweaking part, I do that as well.. ALOT actually 😦

    1. Hehe I think a lot of us do…I’ve actually flipped back and forth between one word 5 or 6 times before settling back on the original, getting up and out of bed to fix it. It’s the curse of having obsessive tendencies.

  73. Thanks for stopping by one of my blogs. I am glad you enjoyed today’s post and hope you will return.
    Being a poet yourself, you might like to check out my other blog:
    Bonne chance!

    1. I just tried to visit your other blog, but it doesn’t appear to exist anymore.

  74. Trying to listen twice as much as you talk is great (after all we were designed with 2 ears and 1 mouth), and I tweak some of my posts seconds after posting too.

    1. The listening-talking ratio can depend on who I’m with. Sometimes it’s 4:1. 🙂

  75. Thank you for dropping by Malcolm’s Corner and liking ‘Native Moments’.

    1. It was a pleasure to do so. 🙂

  76. Love this! I can totally relate to every point, well, except the voice part. I am pretty loud! LOL! Great write!

    1. It is not the loudness of my voice but the pitch of my voice that seems to be the problem. We could be speaking at exactly the same volume in a crowd, but my voice would still be inaudible whereas yours might not be. 😛

  77. I have a special spot for my furry friends, but humans are okay too. Thank you for pawing through my blog! 🙂

  78. Thank you so much for dropping by wePoets. We really appreciate it. We’d be happy to showcase your work should you want to share some 🙂

    1. I was happy to visit. Thank you very much for the invitation. I will keep your website in mind. 🙂

  79. I want to thank you for following my blog and liking my poetry posts! I love your poems, they are somewhat whimsical and make me smile 🙂 please keep doing what you are doing, and I will be checking it out!

    1. It is a pleasure to read your poetry. I am happy you enjoy my poems as well. 🙂

  80. Thank you for stopping by, you have a great place here!

    1. You have a wonderful blog also! Glad you came to visit! 🙂

      1. Thank you Cubby

  81. dreams, thoughts, it gets better with experience, like the intro

    1. I believe this to be true also. 🙂

      1. better dreams make for a better world

  82. It was my pleasure. Best wishes to you as well. 🙂

  83. You’re very welcome. The pleasure was all mine. 🙂

  84. Thank you for liking my poem. I also like the imagery in your work, please keep it up.

    1. It was my pleasure. Congrats on your published book! You have a beautiful family. 🙂

  85. Thanks for visiting my blog. I dropped by to say hi…visit again soon!

    1. I was happy to do so and will likely do so again soon! 🙂

  86. Thank you for visiting! Your little face reminds me of my Miss Molly who is now dancing in kitty heaven. I will be back to visit you again.

    1. I’m sure she is happy in kitty heaven. I hear they have lots of catnip in all sorts of toys up there.

      1. Gee Cubby, now that is a happy thought 😉

  87. Hi…I have a question. I am writing a post for Friday on Communicating in Beauty….okay if I mention you in it?

    1. That is so polite of you to ask. Of course it’s okay to mention me in it. I look forward to reading this post of yours! 🙂

  88. Thank you for finding our blog and liking it. We love meeting humans and fur people from all over. We also love words and so does our Mom. You put words together in a beautiful way. Keep it up! 🙂

  89. Thank you for the like. Nice work u have here, enchanting….a wonderful read.

    1. I see myself spending more time on your blog in the very near future. Some gorgeous pictures have caught my eye.

      1. I am glad it caught your attention and thank you once again. Perhaps you will like this

  90. I love your “random facts”. very funny and sweet. Thanks for the likes on my posts, I’m new here and it means a lot to me. Keep writing!

    1. Welcome to the community! I hope your blog grows with the words and love you feed it, and I look forward to seeing its growth! 🙂

  91. “Poetry that purrs. It’s reowr because the cat said so.” Love this!

  92. I try #5 too, but isn’t it hard?

      1. Good for you! You’re one up on the professor!

  93. Thanks for liking my post. I’m always concerned for those who do because, surely, they (you) must have more important things to do than read the (sometimes senseless) mumblings of an old guy. Still, I’m honored that you took the time … Write on!

    1. The sometimes senseless mumblings of an old guy happen to be quite entertaining and actually make a lot of sense so the honor was all mine. 🙂

  94. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog! I’ve been reading these facts about you and thought how alike we were…..until I got to 6!! Ummm, and 5…..but we had a good run until that 😊!

    1. Lol yes, we had a good run! 🙂

  95. As are my hopes for you as well! 🙂

  96. The only good thing about restless leg syndrome is you can stay up later writing.

    1. I suppose that would be a silver lining. 🙂

  97. “Everyone likes to wear pajamas. In some countries we call them clothes.” Singh A. Song. 🙂

    1. He has the exact same initials as my name, not to mention the same last name. How cool is that! 🙂

  98. Hi! I nominated you for the Semper Fidelis, Reader Appreciation and Most Creative Blogger Awards. Please get the badges at and get more info. Have a great Sunday.

  99. 7.I like to take cat naps in the afternoon
    I like that too.
    I tried to get rid of that habit. I could not.

    1. Why get rid of something that is so pleasant? Except that it completely screws up my sleeping schedule at night. But live and let live! 🙂

  100. Great Blog Cubby. Thanks for liking AW Place.

    1. Glad you like my blog! Your blog is a fun and wonderful blog to visit. Loved the riddles. 🙂

      1. Try solving my weekly riddle :).. I think you’ll like it!

        1. Very nice! I hope I got it right. 🙂

          1. You haven’t commented your answer… :O

          2. Never mind, I just noticed it… 😀

  101. Thanks for all the likes!! I resonate especially with #5. Just sitting with someone, if there’s silence from them instead of filling the space, allows us to hear what they may not be saying but would, if given a chance, and the space to.

    1. You have a gorgeous blog! Silence is only opportunity waiting to be filled, thus these opportunities should be given often. 🙂

  102. Thank you for the like on my newly-minted blog. I’m really enjoying yours too!

    1. I love the concept of your blog. I look forward to its growth! 🙂

  103. I am not too sure if you take awards, but I would like to present you with the sunshine award.
    Here`s the link:
    Please accept it and keep writing.

  104. Dear Cubby, I enjoy diving into your poetry pool, enjoying the shallow and deep ends ,the clarity and the depth 🙂
    Guidance and Peace Q.

    1. It gives me great joy that you find something of value in my writing. Your kind words are very much appreciated. 🙂

  105. #8 is a real pain in the leg…

    1. Lol, yes, literally speaking. 🙂

  106. Your #4 sounds like a winner to me!
    Thanks for stopping by my Post.

    1. Hehe well these random facts do change randomly so I’ll just qualify this with the word chocolate apologies. 🙂

    1. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for thinking I have some submission-worthy poems. I will definitely take a look and see what I have to offer. 🙂

  107. Especially like 5 and 9, things I need to work on! Thanks for liking my poem. You seem a good sort and so I’m now following, but feeling a bit overwhelmed by the numbers, so will hope to, as I always try to with fellow bloggers, “make real contact” in the not too far future.

    1. It can definitely be overwhelming, but hopefully still enjoyable. Too much “over” and not enough “whelm” may not be fun so make sure you have more whelm than over! 🙂

  108. Thank you for the glimpse of “Children’s Sample- it’s a very funny poem and a very poignant one, in our day and age, of “too much.”

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the sample. I’m sorry I took it down so soon, but it was unhappy in its current form so I took it down to try to make it happier. 🙂

  109. Hi,
    Great poetry… Emotive and powerful… Quite mesmerising… Thank you for a great Saturday morning read!

    1. I am honored by your words! I am so glad you found some enjoyment in my writing. 🙂

  110. I like number 5 especially. I think you could easily turn that list into a poem.
    Thanksfor following my blog: Fresh Bean Sprouts. Hope you enjoy the poems there and will comment on what moves you.

    1. Hehe I’d have to find a way to make it rhyme then. Yes, I will comment when I feel inspired to do so. 🙂

  111. I don’t think I have actually tried Deep Dish Chicago-style pizza. I must add this to my bucket list. 🙂

    1. A must. Cheese goes directly on top of a very thick crust. Delish. : )

  112. I also have RLS…I think it has the wrong name…More at Holy crap this is beyond belief leg syndrome…Thank you for the like of “THE DAY THE FLOWER DIED”…david

    1. BBLS…that makes sense to me. People who don’t have BBLS do not understand what it’s like to feel like something’s gnawing away at your bones.

  113. Cubby-sweet songs to my soul! Namaste

    1. Sweeter in that they are not vocally sung by me! 🙂

  114. What a lovely list of self-disclosures… 1, 5, 7-10 in the current list all resonated with me, though I get the others too! A lovely idea to share in this way, thank you!

    1. Hmm, now I will have to think of which new random facts to stick in those numbers there… 😉

  115. All the ten point are awesome! Being in your pajama’s when you got work to do, is fun no?

    To live your dreams, you must first give them a life to live.
    – Sonya A. Song

    Amazing quote… I love it!

    Thanks for the post

    1. Someone should make a fashionable pajama-line for outdoor wear…as comfy as PJs but not as embarrassing in public. So glad you enjoyed my random facts and quote! 🙂

  116. Love your things you don’t need to know list. I, too, suffer from dessert attacks. I’ll be suffering one in about ten minutes. And though never diagnosed, I’d say I have restless leg syndrome as well. And most definitely, understanding others better can lead to greater compassion. I also believe understanding others better can lead to understanding oneself better.

    1. It seems we have some random things in common. I love how you can time your dessert attacks almost down to the minute. 😀

  117. Sonya, thanks so much for liking my post today on Tide Line Still Life. I appreciate it, and I hope that it brought a smile to your face! Best, Maggie

    1. Yes, it did bring a smile to my face, and I thank you for that as well as for your kind visit here. 🙂

  118. Thank you for humbling my blog with your presence =]
    Your poetry is beautiful and much-needed in this crazy, messy world.

    1. It is you who humbles me with your kind words and the time you took to visit me here. 🙂

  119. …Restless leg syndrome – I JUST developed it. Its really been bothering me that I can’t do much about it. Reading that you have it too made me feel okay. Like its not the end of the world! thanks for that random note. I feel more human now that I’ve connected. 🙂

    1. Hehe no, it’s not the end of the world…just really annoying lol. 🙂

  120. Hi, hi! Thank you for visiting my blog, and for the “like” on my recent post. I am happy you enjoyed it, and I appreciate your visit to my site.

    I enjoyed your random facts very much! What a fun entry, and a great way for those of us visiting to get to know you a little bit. 🙂

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the random facts! Your blog is indeed a blog of loveliness. 🙂

  121. Hi! I am also Sonya 🙂

    You write beautifully

    1. Aw, thank you for the compliment. I love your name. 😉

  122. Thank you for stopping, your site has the wow factor !

    1. Many thanks for your visit here as well! 🙂

  123. It was my pleasure. I’m glad we both enjoy each other’s writing. 🙂

  124. Ah, lurkers are always welcome. Twas my pleasure to visit your lovely blog. 🙂

  125. Thanks for the like on my latest post – I really appreciate it and it gave me a chance to find your wonderful blog! Your poetry is fantastic, and I look forward to reading more!

    1. You write wonderful rhymes. I hope you write more of them in the future. I’m glad you enjoy my poetry. 🙂

  126. I’m so excited – a real, live poet is following my blog! I’ve always written things I call poems because they have odd line breaks, but I really haven’ t any idea what I’m doing. I’m more of a lyrical prose kinda gal. As I said in a recent post, I wouldn’t know an iambic if it bit me in the pentameter. But I’m thinking about learning. So thank you for your encouragement! The poetry writing is mostly therapy for me. I’ll be visiting you often!

    1. Hmm, I cannot refute that I am real, nor that I am living, and I suppose I do write poetry, so I guess you are right: I am a real, live poet. I believe that poetry is whatever you wish it to be and an expression of the heart more than of the mind. As long as your heart is in your writing, it will be beautiful. 🙂

      1. I like that! Thanks. I’ve never tagged things “poetry” before because I didn’t want to embarrass myself. Now I will boldly tag my “heart writing” poetry. 🙂

        1. Yes, be bold and tag away and let your words be received in the hearts of others. 🙂

  127. Love your list of random fact and the fact that they change randomly. It’s a reminder that nothing in life remains static, but instead is constantly changing… even if its very slowly… ^_^

    1. Lol yes, even if very slowly, things are always changing. Glad you liked the list! 🙂

  128. Thanks for dropping by my crazy blog. Short attention spam you say?Naaa, I´ve bee browsing through your poetry how would you then focus all those thoughts in a short theme and making sense of it..sometimes.wink. It´s nice I like it. I´m not a poetry guy, but I follow now with you 3 people who write poetry. Strange, I like reading it but I´m no good at writing it.

    Forgot. Cuddling? The poor guy must sleep less than you if he´s with you.

    1. Ah, no, I don’t cuddle when I sleep. There’s no way I could do that. Cuddling is reserved for watching TV and movies on the sofa. When I’m sleeping, feet touching or legs crossing is more than enough contact for me. Hehe. I have a short attention span for lots of things, but not everything I suppose. You don’t have to be a poetry lover to enjoy certain forms of poetry. I’m glad my writing appeals to you in some way. 🙂

      1. I have a question for YOU, how would you define your poetry?

  129. Thanks for following my blog…I love peanut butter as does my feline friend 😉

    1. It is my pleasure to follow such a wonderful blog. As for peanut butter, well, it’s right below chocolate in deliciousness. 🙂

      1. Well HELLO, I’m a chocaholic…take after my mom and even cat tries to eat my chocolate pudding but only if I serve it with a silver teaspoon. She IS after all a Siberian princess.

        1. All cats are princes/princesses, but some are more rightfully so than others it seems. 🙂

  130. inbetweenthemadness September 23, 2013 — 12:08 pm

    5, 7, 8 and 9 totally relate. Especially number 9!!! Glad i didnt miss the new update 😀

    1. Lol I just posted it. It’s been about a month since I last changed it, so it was overdue. 🙂

      1. inbetweenthemadness September 23, 2013 — 6:00 pm

        good timing then 😀

  131. Really like your poetry. You have a very free-flowing,natural style.

    1. Thank you very kindly. I’m so glad you enjoy my work. 🙂

  132. Very cool intro philosophy page. Dig the cat photo.

    1. Hehe thank you. I dig that you dig the cat photo. 🙂

  133. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my poems. I not only enjoy reading your blogs but your comments as well! I sometimes wish I were a cat too, then I could laze around all day and be petted until my heart is content, which at times is rare for us humans to be able to do.

    1. Ah, to be a cat…if only it were possible. I’m so glad you enjoy my blog as I enjoy yours also. 🙂

  134. It was my pleasure. I’m so glad you find my poetry enjoyable. 🙂

  135. I believe in tweaking poems. They take on a life of their own and struggle to get out of my feeble brain. Once they are written down they often like to rewrite themselves.

    1. I don’t like to tweak, but when I feel that constant nagging pull of something that sounds off or not quite right, it needs to be done. Poems are never written in stone…unless on an epitaph. 🙂

      1. I like your poems so maybe they don’t need so much tweaking.

        1. Or maybe it is because of all the tweaking that you like them. 😉

  136. Nice:) I can relate to a lot of your random facts.

    1. It’s nice when people can relate! 🙂

  137. Thanks for liking my post. By doing so, it gives me the opportunity to visit your site and many others. I’m new to blogging and am finding I like this inter-action very much. I like your about page too. Thanks again.

    1. Welcome to the blogosphere and the WordPress community. The interaction on WordPress is one of the best things about blogging, in my opinion. I hope your blog continues to grow with your beautiful poems. 🙂

  138. You know, why aren’t there more awesome people like you? I love your blog. C=

    1. Lol you are too sweet. I wouldn’t say I’m awesome, but I think I’m a pretty decent person. So glad you like my blog. 🙂

  139. Luciana Francis (nee Saldanha) September 29, 2013 — 6:29 am

    Thank you for reading my poetry. I love the list of random facts, but 9 & 10 are definitely my favourites! Keep up the great writing!

    1. It is my pleasure to read beautiful poetry. I’m glad you enjoyed my list of random facts. 🙂

  140. Love your blog! Those random facts fit me to a Tee. Except maybe the gambling one. I use money. Never food. I’m freaky about that!

    1. Haha and I’m freaky about gambling with money. I have a very good nose, so the sniff test is usually pretty reliable for me. So glad you like my blog. 🙂

  141. I’ve really been enjoying your poetry since I started “following” a few days ago. I noticed that you have “liked” several of my poems on “The Second Day of Bravery” and I appreciate that! I’m very new to blogging and still figuring out how to do this. If you don’t mind, I have a few questions: Do you submit and publish your poetry in more traditional formats? And, do you ever worry about anyone attempting to plagiarize your work from this site?

    1. Welcome to the blogging world! I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability. For the first question, did you mean submit as in to literary magazines/journals? If this is what you mean, then no, I do not submit any of my poetry to literary magazines as traditional formats are generally not deemed to be worthy of publication in their esteemed journals. At least, this is the impression that I have received from my research of them. The overall literary landscape of poetry looks down upon rhyming schemes as an inferior form of poetry to free verse. I do not worry about plagiarization for this very reason. And if there ever was any contention, I have a large body of work to back up my style and writing. I also periodically e-mail myself my poems so as to have something with a date on it that cannot be altered. I hope this helps a bit.

      1. Yes, thanks, this was helpful. I agree with you that rhyming schemes or even, dare I say, comprehensible poetry is not highly regarded by “literary” folk. I subscribe to a daily email from the Academy of American Poets, “Poem-A-Day,” and it is almost exclusively comprised of poets who are also literature professors and/or literary journal editors. It seems very self-serving to me, like they keep in their grips a monopoly on what type of poetry is published. Some of it I enjoy, but much of the poems tend to follow the “throw a dart at a dictionary page” variety.

        Anyway, thanks for the tip of emailing my work to myself; good idea.

  142. hello there 🙂 I like you philosophy and random facts especially number 10 “I believe everything we need we already have, and everything we want should be everything we need.”
    I think it’s wise.
    Ow, thanks for the liked my post “The imperfect husband”. God bless you 🙂

    1. I’m glad you liked my random facts. You have a beautiful blog. 🙂

  143. Cubby, I’ve started an anon site. Too many people in my real life were asking questions. I’m sure you’ve made the connection

    1. Um, no, I haven’t…it’s been bugging me for awhile, but I just can’t put my finger on it. 😦

  144. Hi cubby,
    I have been following your blog lately….every one knows your blog is wonderful…I don’t need to confirm it…But,I would like to say why I liked your blog…
    versatility not only in different poetry forms but also in thoughts….more over you have good writing sense and you can churn your thoughts into beautiful poems easily,which is a gift…looking forward for different poetry forms 🙂
    cheers 🙂

    1. Hi sudharsan!
      That is so very kind of you to state the reasons that you like my blog. I am always heartened by the words of others, and they motivate me to continue to try writing poems that will be worthy of reading. The gift I have is in my readers who are willing to read the words I have to offer them. 🙂
      With warm thanks,

  145. I am definately a cat person not a dog person. But like most cats (other than those with young kittens), I am not capable of being responsible for anything other than myself. If I were to get a cat it would have to be a tabby. I think they are incredibly beautiful beings. The mystery of tabby fur is how something with at least three colours in it can add up to something so different from any of those individual colours. Despite being personally catless, I do have a cat friend on the street near my house, who I love to meet when I’m walking home. It’s always so good to see her/him.

    1. That is so random it puts all my random facts to shame. How entirely appropriate in an utterly random way. Loved reading all about your feline preferences. 🙂

  146. I can relate to numbers 1,5,6 and 10 on your blog. Especially 5 and 6 😉 I have a “couch blanket” that stays on the couch just for me. I get cold and I put it on, then 5 minutes later I am hot so I take it off…and the cycle continues.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and liking it! You have amazing poetry and I look forward to reading more 🙂
    ~ Juniper

    1. I have 3 couch blankets that I like to alternate between, depending on the thickness and texture lol. I’m glad you could relate to my random facts and so happy that you enjoy reading my writing. 🙂

    1. Ah, I’m glad you feel the same way. 🙂

  147. 😀 Your #5… Off the couch with you, girl! is the response I generally have. You probably get 1 or 2 chances before… Hand her a snuggie and a fan with a seat near the window, wish her good luck!

    Good list. I really didn’t want to laugh at #4… but I did! Curse you cubby!

    1. Lol you sound rather unaccommodating. I cuddle when I want to cuddle dagnabit! 🙂

  148. This makes me wonder what the people in your everyday life see!
    Thanks for commenting on Blogodonia — please come back!

    1. Lol well, something quite different than what readers of my blog see, I think. 😉

  149. Love your list! For number 10, you might be interested in knowing there’s a song from an old Streams album sung by 4him called “The Only Thing I Need.” I love the song and the reminder for me personally! You can listen to a cut of it on Amazon.

    1. I just took a listen to the sample of the song from the link you provided, and I can definitely see the overlap in theme. From what I can hear, the song is very lovely. Thank you for directing me to it. 🙂

  150. Thank you so much for your site! Your blog title and random facts actually made me cry! Nothing you said, only my own emotion. I lost my cat and most precious friend of 17 years this past December. The spirit of your blog reminds me of this precious little soul. Thank you.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. Our precious furry friends will always have a place in our hearts. I am sure your cat is happy in kitty heaven and wants you to be happy too.

  151. I like you!!! It’s something like one hundred years since I saw anyone publicly offer poetry that actually scanned and rhymed or employed classic forms. The cat says “polydactyl toes up”!!

    1. You have been alive for a very long time! 😉 I’m glad you enjoy the rhyming and forms found on my blog. 🙂

      1. Well… I confess to a bit of exaggeration for effect (or maybe it’s been a long week?) I look forward to leafing through all the verse at leisure.

  152. Hilarious 🙂 Plus A Nice-read !

  153. Gorgeous calico gravatar…

    1. Thank you kindly. Your gravatar is beautiful too! 🙂

  154. Hi Adrian. I am so happy you enjoy my poetry. I will definitely be visiting your blog again in the near future. 🙂

  155. Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading “Facets”. Your writing is elegant and emotive and I’m in awe of your poetry.Best wishes.

    1. You are too kind. I love poetry that personifies inanimate things like feelings, such as in your poem. Best wishes to you as well! 🙂

  156. Hi Cubby,
    Appreciate your stopping by poemsperday as often as you do… and always like your random thought lists… great fun (and insightful).

    1. It is always a pleasure to visit your lovely blog. I’m glad you like my random lists lol. 🙂

  157. I like your philosophy and LOVE your poetry. Seems we have a few things in common, including the uncommon sleeping patterns and outspoken kitty cats!

    1. The uncommon sleeping patterns are a killer. Hard to function like a normal person with them. The outspoken kitty cats are easier to handle. I’m so happy you enjoy reading my poetry. 🙂

  158. As an amatuer poet I find ur poetry very aspiring 🙂

    1. Aw, I am so happy you enjoy my poetry. Thank you kindly. 🙂

  159. I’m right there with you on the hot/cold thing, and the tweaking. Also the short att . . . um . . . what was I saying?

  160. You mention tweaking after publishing. I have a habit of doing that on occasion, also. I have this theory that a work is never finished (to the author) until the author’s dead. I’m always seeing how to make things better.

    On another subject, I want to say thank you for your consistent interest in my work. That someone as polished as you would find my scribbling worth your time is a great compliment and I am grateful. Any time you want to drop a critique or a comment, I will consider them with great attention.

    1. Yes, a work is ever evolving in my opinion also, although there is such a thing as over tweaking. I would not consider my writing polished, but I am flattered you would think so. It is always a pleasure to read good writing, which I consider your writing to be. 🙂

    1. Hehe thanks. Just wrote a poem around it for Thanksgiving Day. 🙂

      1. Just read it! Now that’s synchronicity!:-) H xxx

  161. It’s true of me too that people in real life don’t see many of the things I reveal on WordPress. That’s really interesting when I think about it. Cheers to peanut butter!! Celeste 🙂

    1. Writing reveals so much about ourselves as it is such a personal endeavor. Peanut butter has had its day, but I think I may have moved on to salsa and tortilla chips. 🙂

  162. As long as the expired food can has no dents or has not expanded, you can eat what’s in the can a month or two past the date.

    1. Ah, a month or two seems like such a short amount of time…I guess a year past due is pushing it a little. 😉

  163. Nice, and more than a little witty, philosophy! I’m glad you liked “The Last President.”

    1. Hehe, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love the title of your blog! 🙂

  164. "A Curious Mind" October 17, 2013 — 2:03 pm

    I wanted to give you a little something:
    Great Poetry!

    1. Thank you so much for the consideration. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. 🙂

      1. "A Curious Mind" October 18, 2013 — 6:25 pm

        “Your Very Welcome”
        It was hard to pick who, but you stood out,.. . Very much stood out.. . “In My Eyes, You Deserve Every Bit of It!” ☺

  165. Dear Sonya, thank you for stopping by my blog Sheree’s Warm Fuzzies and liking my recent post. You have a beautiful blog.

    1. It was my pleasure visiting your delightful blog! Thank you for visiting here as well. 🙂

  166. Hello, I just nominated you for the Liebster Award because I really think you deserve it. Of course you don’t have to participate if you don’t want too. If you are interested please check the rules and questions will be blogged this weekend. Love, Virginie

    1. Thank you so much for your consideration. I do not participate in awards but very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. 🙂

  167. Thank you for the ‘like’ on my blog. I feel very lucky as now I have found your blog. I love rhyming poetry the best, They sound like songs in my head and yours sings beautifully.

    1. I write almost exclusively in rhymes because I love the way rhymes sound. I find them to be very soothing. I hope you enjoy the rhymes you find here. 🙂

  168. Your writing is very lovely, I find myself in envy of how you interact with your followers.
    I truly believe that you are an uttermost kind person. Also thank you for reading my posts,
    any tips for a rookie-blogger would be much appreciated!
    A fellow poet

    1. The best tip I can give you is to get to know your fellow bloggers in the WordPress community by visiting their blogs and seeing which ones you connect with. The more you interact with others, the more they will interact with you. 🙂

  169. Wow it took awhile to get to this reply box! You certainly have an entertaining site. Clever prose. Thank you for the like on my blog and for visiting my site. I appreciate your support. Best Wishes!

    1. I didn’t realize it had gotten that long. I’m so glad you find my blog entertaining. I look forward to visiting your blog again in the near future! 🙂

  170. Thanks so much for checking out my poetry blog – I’m thoroughly enjoying yours 😀 So excuse me while I go read some more! Lovely to meet you!

    1. Lovely to meet you as well! It looks like you have recently joined the blogging community, and I hope you find your blogging journey to be a satisfying experience. 🙂

  171. Love your stuff! Thanks for the visit.

    1. It was my pleasure to visit. Thank you for liking my stuff! 🙂

  172. Hi Cubby – thanks for stopping by my blog – I appreciate your visits; and I love the cat on your gravatar. I had a calico once…

    1. I am sorry to see the last part of your comment in the past tense. 😦

  173. heatherellisbooks October 25, 2013 — 3:58 am

    Thanks from Jemima, for popping by my blog!

    I prefer Pepsi to Coke as well =)

  174. Tweaking is good. Retweaking is better. No tweaking is best. But then are we ever at our best?

    1. Very well said. I completely agree. 🙂

  175. To the cola connoisseur, Pepsi’s better than Coke. I’m glad to know someone else writes in the dark in the middle of the night. That’s when some of your best ideas come to you.

    1. I can tell you have good sense in choosing Pepsi over Coke and even better sense for writing in the dark! 🙂

  176. Powered by clean burning natural coffee (boom-boom!)

  177. I’ve nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award

  178. Hi Cubby!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Please follow the link:

    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me. Ever grateful our paths have crossed! 🙂

  179. Hi Sonya, are you hibernating now? It’s not winter yet! 😀 Hope you are doing okay! Missing you…

  180. SONYA, Cubby dear, I miss you… 😦 Hope you’re doing well! ❤

  181. Cubby,
    Haven’t heard from you in a while. I hope you’re doing okay.
    Take care… 🙂

  182. Hey Cubby, I don’t know if you accept awards on your blog, but I recently nominated you for the Blog of the Year Award. Congratulations Ma’am, and have a pleasant day.

  183. I really liked this poetry blog. It has many beautiful poems posted. I really liked the poem “Keep Faith”

  184. The hat is missing the cat. Best wishes and the season’s greetings Cubby. Hope all is ok.

  185. Dear Cubby, I am missing you and your writing dearly!

    I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope it bestows upon you nothing but good health, fortune and may all your dreams come true.

    With much love


  186. Hi Sonya, I miss youI have nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! Participation is optional, and if you want further information visit me!

  187. approximately 4 months,since we got a post from you…I am always checking then and there…please come back… :).

  188. Interesting article. The humor is so poignant. Anand Bose from Kerala.

    1. I am glad you found it entertaining. 🙂

  189. Here’s to susceptibility to being bribed with chocolate—and thanks so much for liking a post on The Expositrix!

    1. You have an interesting blog. Chocolate should be the national currency… although I suppose I would constantly be broke if it was since I would keep eating it all.

  190. I am the same with coconut rice and describing movies

    1. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who talks like that about movies. 🙂

  191. You’re funny! 😀
    And, that number 10 is me too…lol

    1. Night owls unite! Too bad stores close so early…especially post offices.

  192. Hi Sonya 🙂

    Interesting post… I can completely relate to number 7 “If my expression looks…” Not long ago, I had a wonderful meeting with two scholars – two amazing people, but they did lose me for a moment and I think they noticed the blank look of confusion on my face.😀

    1. LOL glad you can relate. It’s nice when you can fudge your way through with a blank look, but some people are too perceptive. 😉

  193. OH! I was wandering around and suddenly I came upon this Blog. Better late than never I figure.😏 I’m always the last to know🙄 BUT! I can wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! (It’s tonight right?) 🤔 Hmm SO maybe I’m early.(scratching head). 🎉✨🎈🍣💜😊💗!

      1. Hmm where’d you get those? 🤔

      2. OMG a goldmine! lol 🌺💐

  194. Maybe if I scrolled a bit??????🤪

  195. Your thoughts are refreshing! Glad to be connected with you.

    1. I’m glad you liked my random thoughts! 🙂

  196. I am #1 when it comes to #10 (night owl). He who wakes me before 8a.m. takes his life in his hands!!!

    1. Lol now that’s what I’m talking about! 😀

  197. Hello Cubby,

    Please will you follow the instructions here and respond?

    Thank you for leading the way!


  198. Please take your time and give this some thought. I received this:”Hello Dan,

    I’ve read your post: How do you know?

    How do you know your expectations are true?

    to which I replied “The oversimplified reply: ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

    Don’t underestimate the potential for people to do good.

    I make mistakes – we all do. Don’t dwell on it for too long.

    Hope this makes sense.


    If we don’t plan for the best…how should a bystander understand our resolve?”

  199. Don’t be fooled.
    Cake IS food.

    Seek peace,


    1. Yesss! At last, someone who speaks the truth. 🙂

      1. Cake will set you free.


  200. Thanks for stopping by-glad you liked by posts. Love your blog and will be happy to follow it.

    1. I love nature photography, and you take beautiful pictures. , so the pleasure was all mine. 🙂

  201. Cubby, I think Mandy is in love with you – truly! Thanks by the way for reading my poetry and have to say I enjoyed the sense of humour shown here – try eating your carrots though – they’re not as bad as you may at first think…

    1. I like carrots when they are raw and crunchy, the way nature intended them to be. Eating a cooked carrot is like eating a soft, warm apple. Bleh.

  202. Shards Of DuBois January 20, 2019 — 2:02 pm

    I don’t know if I ever read this before, but it cracked me up. you are too funny.

    1. I change up the random facts every month or so. 🙂

  203. Dear Cubby,

    Regarding number 4: If the clock is running fast eventually it will catch up to itself and read the right time… for at least a minute.

    Thank you for visiting me this week.

    1. LOL yes, that is so true. I like the way you look at things! 🙂

  204. We must be kindred souls…
    I say this bcuz of number 8..I can, will, & have eaten a while pint of Been & Jerry”s DBL fudge chocolate brownie all to myself and I’m sure I will again…very soon. 😛
    Ur very funny cubbub and very organized! I’m lucky if I ever get around to buying Xmas gifts let alone wrapping them and as much as I love Excel idt I’ll ever be that in top of things.
    Cubbub, will u marry me? Lmao… Jk, I’m already married. 😜😂

    1. LOL I have some obsessive-compulsive tendencies that would drive you crazy. And ice cream just goes down WAY too easy. 🙂

      1. Haha…I’m a virgo I’m supposed to be like that but I must have some crazy rising sign or something cuz I’m the opposite.
        I’m watching animal planet, it was left on by my husband, I never realized how violent it is! Lord! Lol

        1. LOL it is violence out of necessity for them. Not so much for us humans.

  205. I hate cooked carrots too

    1. Glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

  206. I use Vaseline too! In and on my nose as well when I have a bad cold that makes my nose raw. (learned it in the hospital). It’s a great comfort and barrier. 🙂
    Have you tried sugar on your cooked carrots?? Just a pinch in a large pot of boiling water helps the blah. Brown sugar is even better. 🙂
    I don’t do horror films either.
    I loved reading your post. Especially the disclaimer… lol.
    Nice to meet you, Cubby! 🙂 God loves you!

    1. Hmm, I haven’t tried sugar on my cooked carrots. Maybe I will try that if someone tries to make me eat them. If you have to watch a scary movie, just put it on mute or cover your ears. It makes a huge difference!

      It was a pleasure to meet you too! 🙂

  207. I tweak poems all the time. I’ve seen it said that no poem is ever absolutely in its final form unless the poet is dead, and I believe it.

    1. That’s an excellent way to put it! Thank you! 🙂

  208. I have to laugh. Except for the couch naps (we don’t have any–cat-proffed house) I totally sympathize.

    1. I’m glad my random facts made you laugh! 😊🌸

  209. Thank you so much for reading, and liking my work! Happy to read, and follow you. P.S.Your #1has been plaguing me for years … (shaking my head, hands – “I got nothin'”

    1. Yeah, I just don’t get Instagram. I’m supposed to be taking pictures and posting them? For what purpose? Sigh. You and me both.

  210. Cubby,
    I use a yummy lip balm that I bought in our Wild Bird seed store. It’s orange blossom honey lip balm made by The Naked Bee (“All the good stuff, none of the bad stuff.”)
    I have no stake in this co.; I just like their product. Sure beats vaseline.

    1. Ooo that’s sounds delish! I may end up always licking my lips to taste it. Than you for the suggestion! 😀

  211. I enjoyed this, just what I needed today! Especially liked the tip about about watching scary shows without the sound–might just work for me 🙂 And finally, I think I might try your poetry challenges, so thank you muchly for that. Blessings to you! Ennle

    1. It’s amazing what a difference lack of sound makes to a scary movie. Definitely give it a try next time! 🙂

      1. I will…since I do like a well-done thriller!! 🙂

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