
In life, there’s one true certainty
That we will meet eternity
When we drift on to gentler skies
Beyond the strings of mortal ties.

But if you find a love that’s true
In which you can be certain too,
Then you will grasp eternity
In life, with death its treasury.

Written for mindlovemisery Prompt 16: Life Lesson

60 thoughts on “Certainly

  1. This is so gorgeous, it brings a smile to face and fills my heart with joy =) I need to tape this one my fridge!

    1. I thought it might be too simple, but I’m delighted by such a positive reaction. 🙂

      1. Wisdom should be simple =) This is from the heart not the ego that makes is very special!

  2. very good you are clever

    1. Ah Barb, I am reminded of your lovely poem, “The magical illusion”. 😉

    2. I should say rather that it is the reference to my being clever that reminds me of your poem as you would be disenchanted by how I am like in real life. 🙂

  3. Short, sweet and to the point. 🙂

  4. It reminds of William Blake! I loved it.

    1. Aw, thank you kindly. Even an ever slight resemblance is generous praise. Glad you liked it! 🙂

  5. Love is eternal? I guess I’ll have to wait and find out if it’s true. My father waited 21 years after my mother died, questioning Jehovahs Witnesses to get the answer…but I guess it wasn’t until HE passed that he found out the truth. Wish he could tell me.

    1. If you believe in God or any form of loving deity, or even a universal consciousness, then yes, I believe one can say love is eternal.

  6. Not necessarily a certainty. It depends on whether you subscribe to the ever expanding universe theory, the cyclic nature of time theory or the theory that eventually the universe will collapse in on itself and time will end.

    1. Eternity, oblivion, cyclicity, whatever you subscribe to, mortal death is a certainty and death eternal. You can believe in rebirth and reincarnation, but this is not an undoing of death as you still die and do not actually reverse the dying process. If you believe that time flows both backward and forwards, this is also an infinite cycle, and if it is broken, then a new infinity replaces it. Stephen Hawking says that the universe is finite, but even if it is finite, there is infinity beyond this finiteness. Even nothingness is something and exists in some form, or lack thereof. At least, this is what I believe, but then again, half the time I believe I’m a cat, so go figure.

      1. Unless, of course, you subscribe to the theory of solipsism, as more and more quantum physicists are doing, in which nothing exists other than thought – time and eternity, therefore, not existing in their literal sense either. I suppose it really depends on your current chosen philosophical favourite.

      2. I also believe you are a cat ‘-)
        Enjoyed this. I always seem to enjoy you and your works.

        1. I’m glad I’m not the only one to believe I’m a cat! 😀 So glad you enjoy my work!

      3. Hey, I thought you said you didn’t understand Hawking!

        In any case, the poem is beautiful!

        By the way, how did you like the way I dealt with the duality / duet in today’s post: http://kmabarrett.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/precis/ ??

        I was thinking of your prior comments re: “Bruises”…


        1. Um, I really can’t say I understand Hawking when I’ve only read little quotes from his books here and there. Brian wasn’t giving me much leeway in terms of poetic license so I was just spewing whatever came to mind. I’m glad you liked the poem though. I left a comment at your blog. 🙂

          1. 🙂

  7. certainly uncertain
    but that’s the beauty also
    of this, our mortal coil

  8. Very beautiful, indeed

    1. Glad you think so! 🙂

  9. I love this one…hhhmmm what came first the chicken or the egg! 😉

    1. The egg always comes first! As long as you don’t question where it came from. 😛

  10. Being the Eternal Timekeeper
    I’m the Awakened Sleepmaker

    Peace, Ik

  11. Lovely. Similar to something I was thinking about this morning and just about to post.I certainly believe. With certainty.x

    1. Belief is only ever certain when certainty is perceived as a certainly.

      1. I’d run with that. 🙂 x

  12. Beautiful… and very true.

  13. Beautiful. ..:-) made me think of love life and beyond…

    1. Glad you liked it. 🙂

  14. I really enjoyed this one! It’s sweet,simple,and to the point. I smile a lot… but this definitely gave me more reasons to smile as I read it. Great work.

    1. I am glad it could make you smile…more! 🙂

  15. Shards Of DuBois August 12, 2013 — 10:06 pm

    love this..that the only certainty is eternity…I may be forced to steal this Cubby, 😉

    1. I certainly won’t stop you! 😀

      1. Shards Of DuBois August 13, 2013 — 10:45 am

        you are too sweet, if I do use the premise, I’ll credit it to you who inspired me… 🙂

  16. awesome…enjoyed the read.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  17. Simple rhyme but it works. It helps give a flow that compliments the poem’s message. Thank you for visiting my blog as well.

    1. Glad you think so. Thank you for stopping by also. 🙂

  18. WOW oh WOW, I LIKE that!

    1. What a great response! Thank you kindly! 🙂

  19. What…what if you’re Hindu? Like me? Today? >:D Kidding, kidding. Great piece, Cubby.

    1. Glad you liked it Sahm. 🙂

  20. Thanks for posting on my blog, Cubby! I enjoyed your pieces, especially “Wrigley’s Food Gang”. I can’t wait to read more from your blog! 🙂

    1. Haha glad you liked that one. Hope you find more stuff to enjoy here! 🙂

  21. Thanks, Cubby. I had to come back and revisit your blog. “Certainly” may be small, but packs a wallop of wisdom. Thanks again for sharing your view with the world!

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