Prompt: Laughter

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

Please help me finish this poem. It doesn’t have to rhyme, and I will add your entry to this post with your blog link and avatar name. If you don’t see your entry posted within 12 hours, please let me know.

And please try to keep your entry under 16 lines.

If you like an entry, please like it on the writer’s blog as well.  If there are writers who don’t have their entries posted on their blog, please check out some of their other posts.  🙂

I look forward to reading all of your responses!

Blog: CNW

Twinkling Love Stars

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

Twinkling along
Mountains at night
For everyone to see
Wishing and dreaming
A love that stays as
True and bright.

  – cnw

Blog: Giving it the Kiss Treatment

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

1 boy 1 girl
5 years apart

crazy whirlwind
learning who you are

Teen years…
you make me so proud
learning to be strong adults

can we go back to birth and restart…
oh wait grandbabies!!!!

  – givingitthekisstreatment

Blog: RM Goldsmith Photography

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Your breath of joy
Answered my why.
Deep in your soul
Yes all is well,
You are at rest
Yes time will tell.

  – RM Goldsmith Photography

Blog: not faye’s

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Where I formed a
Constellation of your name-
Silently, a breath of prayer
To gods watching-
May my favorite sound
Remain echoing forever, amen

  – f_3i

Blog: Terre’s Blog – Women of All Seasons

You laughed the stars
Into the sky,
With a sublime
Twinkle of your eyes.

  – terreblogger

Blog: Rethinking Life

You laughed the stars
into the sky
and the moon
did somersaults of joy
no longer alone

  – hitandrun1964

Blog: The Unedited Version of Being Single & Christian

You laughed
the stars
Into the sky

Your mind’s adrift
You’ve pursued
The dreams you’ve carried
For most of your life
Head held high
Gaze affixed
One day
It will all be accomplished

  – HarleyQ2

Blog: Moira’s Dreams

You Laughed the Stars

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Breeze in your hair
Light in your eyes
As I stood there with you
My hand safe in yours..
Letting the moment sink in
As my heart skipped a beat
And wondered if only
My blessings knew my flaws.

  – Moira Nair

Blog: Word Shank

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
How lucky am I
To witness the constellation before me
Your eyes as the sea
The sun like your skin
And even warmer within
Heart of gold, nothing cold
Save the absence of you
A world in which that would not do

  – amyshankle

Blog: Through All Seasons

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

I stopped and pondered
Why oh why

How do I explain this sight
How can I know why
I felt the hush of heavens heart
Shhhh you cannot begin to try

We can talk and laugh together
Conversation lights up the night
You need not understand how or why
To be enraptured by the sight

  – listeningwithlaurette

Blog: other notes

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

and kissed the moon
to make it sigh

  – hopefultraveller9435


You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Stink faced
Shoulders bobbing
Pig snort inhalation
You have never been more you
And never more beautiful to me

  – catnipmurphy

Blog: A Realm of Ink

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
With mirth so pure
They’d never die
And forged the moon
With just your smile
Such beauty that
They can’t defile
Your breath is like
The thrum of wings
You are the source
Of beauteous things
The ocean’s dance
Your beating heart
Your death would tear
This world apart.

  – Helen Cryestira Viorel

Blog: Waxing Poet, Waxing Poetical

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
I wept at dawn.
But then the sun…

  – PH Yoga

Blog: GedichtArt

To Julia

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
danced on a moonbeam
as if you fly,
bounced through the clouds
until they’re wry
and over your dreams
watching, am I.

  – GedichtArt

Blog: In the Margins

You laughed the stars
into the sky
and cried the rivers
into the earth
beauty falls from your tongue
like a snowflake to the ground
you are
the ember behind every inferno
the synapse of Gaia
rage on!

  – penciledmargins

Blog: My Poems

Smiling Moon

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
and the moon smiled down

Did you see it’s dimples
Hollowed out from miniature craters
On the crescent moon?

The sun will shine again
On the different moons
Enlarging the dimples

But not the smile
And the stars will align
Along the night sky

Awaiting the laughter
That drove them into the sky
And made the moon smile down

  – Olutomi Akinsanya

Blog: Woolgathering

You laughed the Stars
Into the sky
It rings there, little bells,
That twinkling sound,
Wishing you were around
Missing this,
Loving you

  – delightedpessimist

Blog: Pitching Pennies Poetry

You laughed the stars
into the sky,
How pure their twinkling
spark. When teardrops fill
your innocent eyes,
all the world goes dark.

  – smzang

Blog: Words by Soberflight

Laughter (prompt by Cubby)

You laughed the stars
Into the sky,
Then took them away
And made me cry.

You laughed the blue
Into the sea,
Then gave the very sun
To me.

You laughed the love
Into my heart,
And then I knew
We’d never part.

  – soberflight

Blog: Average but Savage

Moon’s Apprentice

You laughed the stars
Into the sky.
On a cloudless night,
They shone like diamonds.
As the moon cast arabesque patterns on
the lake below.
Mirroring your mirth, as the moon’s apprentice,
Calmly twinkling into the night.

  – Average but Savage

Blog: Disembogue

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
And cheered the moon
To rise ahigh
You howled the birds
Into the trees
And chuckled deep
To stir a breeze

  – Wren

Blog: Kids and Poetry Books by Haley Belinda

I laughed the stars
into the sky
My muscles hurt, I was so blessed,
It was when December was but nigh,
It made a change, as often I was stressed,

Laughter is the medicine for the soul,
I thanked you for showing me the way,
Alas, I did feel more whole.
Every single day in everyway.

How special I was chosen that plight.
The time I laughed the stars into the night.

  – Haley Belinda

Blog: Ring a Ring o’ Proses

You laughed the stars
into the sky
And cried as you watched
the clouds come by

Why did they block
the spectacular view?
Had they nothing
else to do?

You will the sky
to chase them now
Applaud as it turns
to take a bow

The moon takes on
a subtle glow
And the twinkling stars
complete the show

  – Norah Vayle

Blog: HoneyGwhiz

Laugh again for me

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
I saw them twinkle
Laugh again for me

Come little darling
Watch the night sky
As you sit by my side
I see the wonder

Laughter in your eyes
A twinkle here and there
I saw joy sparkle
Two hearts under the stars

You laughed the stars
Into the sky again
High above, beyond skies
Laugh again for me

  – C.E. Pereira

Blog: Welcome to Crystal’s Site

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Twinkling so bright
On that beautiful evening
You brought Daisy Mae to me.
She made it impossible to
Pass her up by using her lungs and
Meowing so loud so I could here her.
She acted so cute and
Made it so hard to pass her up.
The night those twinkling stars
Were so bright as if another
Member of family had been added.
The funny part was a new family
Member had been added.
So I say thank you to those
Stars who were laughed into the
Sky that night because they brought
Me a new addition to my family.
That new addition’s name is Daisy Mae.
I felt so blessed then when she came into
My life and I feel blessed now and each day
As I love her daily.
Her mother was just as beautiful as she is today.
They looked so much alike.
All I can say is
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  – Crystal

Blogs: Alphabet City

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
And the gas right out of

  – Chagall

Blog: Where Lilies Lie

Laughter (Prompted by Cubby)

You laughed the stars into the sky
Without a second thought
Now that hubris is left to lie
What horrors have you wrought

Every joke reveals its ignorance
As a clown betrays his sighs
The desperate have a happy parlance
As death encroaches nigh

  – hawthornepassage

Blog: Ckonfab

You laughed the stars into the sky
and weaved a beautiful story
Through your eyes
And I remained in complete awe
How the shine of stars
was a shade high
For you put them there
In such momentary trice

  – Shantanu Baruah

Blog: Ether

You laughed the stars
Into the sky

And then they exploded and died
And became black holes
Because your laughter
Made them that happy

  – KT

Blog: Grey’s Writing World

You laughed.
The stars
came to be.
Bringing light.
Bringing joy.
No part of the sky was untouched.
An unfathomable glow.
Upon the darkest hour.
Lighting the world.
Reigniting the moon.
A sound so prue.
A sound so true.
Resonated from the deep.
The bellows of you.

  – Amber Ausherman

Blog: Antonia Sara Zenkevitch

Laughing the Stars

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
And, though clouds cover them
In this moment of despair
With those unquestioned whys
In your bright eyes,
I know your heaven’s there
In the bright spheres of life,
So, while we wait
For the atmosphere to clear
Let me just state
For your weary heart to hear;
You laughed the stars
Into the sky.

  – Antonia Sara Zenkevitch

Blog: The House Apart

Poetry: Laughter

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Your glowing smile
Taught me to fly
Looking back now
I wonder why
You looked like you
Wanted to cry

  – The House Apart


You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Your giggles stimulated
the wee birds

  – hugr5

Blog: The Secret Lantern

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
And cried the seas
Into the deep.
With honest hands
You crafted life,
By all intent
You planned to keep.

  – Garret





Blog:  How Hope Was Lost

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
And exhaled the soul
Out of my body

  – howhopewaslost

Blog:  NobbinBlog


You laughed the stars
Into the sky
You craft the scars
I hide inside

You hung the moon
To hide the dark
You are the womb
From which life sparked

I made the seas
I am earthquakes
My tears never cease
From endless heartbreaks

Your heart is oxygen
Your smile is sunshine
I need your glow again
But you won’t be mine

  – Nobbinmaug

Blog:  the daydreamer next door

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
It’s a memory
That puts tears in my eye.

We talked all day
And danced all night.
The perfect date,
The city lights.

And then you got in your car
Never to be seen again.
Oh, even though you’re so far
My heart will always be your den

  – may

Blog:  The Muted Muse

You laughed the stars
Into the sky
Burning holes
The darkness
wherever I go
But so does your light.

  – mishasm

Blog:  If You Haven’t Got a Sonnet

Night Falls With Joy

You laughed the stars
into the sky
Out there past Mars
as the crow flies
Then hummed a tune
and smiled the moon
as night took flight

  – muttado1sb

Blog:  obbverse

You laughed the stars
into the sky,
Funny, now after ten jars
In the gutter I lie.

  – obbverse

Blog:  bellabirth

You laughed the stars
To the sky
with great gusto
A delight for all

  – Catherine the Birth Cartographer

Blog:  Dawning Creations

You laughed the stars
into the sky.
Spinning like a manic pinwheel,
arms outstretched.

I must admit,
it was from that moment on that I truly appreciated you.
Wonderful you, finally accepting your excellence as midnight crashed upon us.

Tucked away in the back garden,
I needed to be free with you.
We laughed the stars into the sky,
shedding our disguises, loving who we really were.
I hope this won’t be our last time.

  – Brittny Lee

Blog:  Karima Hoisan

You laughed the stars
Into the sky,
Your smile, a new moon,
With eyes crinkling bright.
You made moonbeams
to bathe lovers in blue light,
And I too fell in love…
How could I not fall in love
With your magic?

  – Karima Hoisan

Blog:  Abandoned Amenities

Happy God

You laughed the stars into the sky”
Only now, this minute, do I realize
This, and understand joyful truth:
You are God who loves, cherishes, knows me
Your misfit, orphaned child of scarred mystery
You are the Happy God*, my Heavenly Father
Hurray!  Hurrah!
And even if I see no stars, clouds concealing
I will listen for, hear, the twinkling of Your laughter
The merriment You feel when You look upon me
With tender care, covenant grace and peace.

Ennle Madresan

Blog:  Snapshot Couplets

You laughed the stars
into the sky
and cried the Milky Way

then smiled the sun
into the blue
as the break of day.

  – Mario A. Pita

145 thoughts on “Prompt: Laughter

  1. What a nice idea 👍😊

      1. You laughed the stars
        Into the sky
        Where I formed a
        Constellation of your name-
        Silently, a breath of prayer
        To gods watching-
        May my favorite sound
        Remain echoing forever, amen

        1. This is heavenly. I especially love the third and fourth lines. Beautiful response! 🙂

        2. I love the idea of your favourite sound, (or a name) echoing forever.

  2. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    Twinkling along
    Mountains at night
    For everyone to see
    Wishing and dreaming
    A love that stays as
    True and bright.

    1. That is just lovely! What a wonderful response. 🙂

      1. thank you so much, this was the first one i did and didn’t realize the title of poem was ‘laughter’ haha hopefully the poem still works 🙂

        1. Of course! It works beautifully. 🙂

  3. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky…

    1boy 1 girl
    5years apart

    crazy wirlwind
    learning who you are

    Teen years…
    you make me so proud
    learning to be strong adults

    can we go back to birth and restart…
    oh wait grandbabies!!!!

    1. You gave birth to a whole family of stars! What a brilliant family tree. 🙂

        1. I’m sure they think you are one of the brightest stars in the tree. 🙂

    2. I love this beautiful tribute to your children – it says so much with so few words.

  4. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky,
    Your breath of joy
    Answered my why.
    Deep in your soul
    Yes all is well,
    You are at rest
    Yes time will tell.

    1. Aww this is really sweet. For “never…much of a poet,” you write some nice poems! 🙂

      1. Thanks, but I’ll stick to pictures and writing about them.

  5. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky,
    With a sublime
    Twinkle of your eyes.

    1. Says so much in so few words. Love it. 🙂

      1. Thank you Cubby. 😊

        1. And thank you for such a great response to the challenge! 🙂

  6. You laughed the stars
    into the sky
    and the moon
    did somersaults of joy
    no longer alone

    1. Ah that is so whimsically charming. Love the joyfulness in the somersaults. 🙂

  7. I like these challenges:

    You laughed
    the stars
    Into the sky
    Your mind’s adrift
    You’ve pursued
    The dreams you’ve carried
    For most of your life
    Head held high
    Gaze affixed
    One day
    It will all be accomplished

    1. I love the power and strength in your words. Inspiring! I’m glad you enjoy the challenges. 🙂

  8. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky..
    Breeze in your hair
    Light in your eyes
    As I stood there with you
    My hand safe in yours..
    Letting the moment sink in
    As my heart skipped a beat
    And wondered if only
    My blessings knew my flaws..

    Moira Nair
    Moira’s Dreams

    1. This is so romantic and lovely. Thank you for your beautiful response. 🙂

  9. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    How lucky am I
    To witness the constellation before me
    Your eyes as the sea
    The sun like your skin
    And even warmer within
    Heart of gold, nothing cold
    Save the absence of you
    A world in which that would not do

    1. I love the metaphors you use. This is wonderfully dreamy. 🙂

      1. Wow thank you! I love incorporating nature and such into writing

        1. And I love reading about nature in writing. 😊🌸

  10. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    I stopped and pondered
    Why oh why

    How do I explain this sight
    How can I know why
    I felt the hush of heavens heart
    Shhhh you cannot begin to try

    We can talk and laugh together
    Conversation lights up the night
    You need not understand how or why
    To be enraptured by the sight

    1. I love doing these prompts because of the beautiful poems that writers like you create from them. This was a delightful response. 🙂

      1. It was a fun and awesome idea, thanks for the invite. 😊

        1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I know I really enjoyed reading your words. 🙂

  11. hopefultraveller9435 February 6, 2019 — 10:04 pm

    and kissed the moon
    to make it sigh

    1. This tickles me delighted. Love the whimsy and rhyme. 🙂

      1. hopefultraveller9435 February 7, 2019 — 6:35 am

        thanks so much! 🙂

  12. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    Stink faced
    Shoulders bobbing
    Pig snort inhalation
    You have never been more you
    And never more beautiful to me

    1. Lol you started it off with some wacky humor and then ended it so beautifully. What a contrast. Love it. 🙂

      1. Truth is beauty, beauty truth – that is all
        Ye know on earth and all ye need to know

        That’s Keats that is.

        1. So it is, so it is. Love the quote. 🙂

    2. brilliant, lol!

  13. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    With mirth so pure
    They’d never die
    And forged the moon
    With just your smile
    Such beauty that
    They can’t defile
    Your breath is like
    The thrum of wings
    You are the source
    Of beauteous things
    The ocean’s dance
    Your beating heart
    Your death would tear
    This world apart.

    1. This is gorgeous! The flow, the rhymes, the imagery… absolutely love it. 🙂

  14. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky;
    I wept at dawn.
    But then the sun…

    1. I’m not sure if this is finished?

      1. It is. 🙂

  15. For Julia

    You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    danced on a moonbeam
    as if you fly,
    bounced through the clouds
    until they’re wry
    and over your dreams
    watching, am I.

    A wonderful promt, thank you Cubby for the inspiration. GedichtArt

    1. This was really lovely. Thank you for such a beautiful response. 🙂

      1. Thanks, I am glad, you liked it. 🙂

  16. You laughed the stars
    into the sky
    and cried the rivers
    into the earth
    beauty falls from your tongue
    like a snowflake to the ground
    you are
    the ember behind every inferno
    the synapse of Gaia
    rage on!

    1. Love how you combined biology and nature in this enchantingly picturesque poem. 🙂

    2. Wow! This resonates beauty and power with the imagery you use, I love it.

  17. Smiling Moon

    You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    and the moon smiled down

    Did you see it’s dimples
    Hollowed out from miniature craters
    On the crescent moon?

    The sun will shine again…

    1. Love the celestial beings in your poem. An excellent response! 🙂

  18. You laughed the Stars
    Into the sky
    It rings there, little bells,
    That twinkling sound,
    Wishing you were around
    Missing this,
    Loving you.

    1. Aww this is so sweet with a twinkle of sadness. A lovely response. 🙂

      1. Thank you! I love this idea! I wanna do something like this when I have a bunch of followers like you!

        1. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I look forward to your future prompts! 🙂

  19. You laughed the stars
    into the sky,
    How pure their twinkling
    spark. When teardrops fill
    your innocent eyes,
    all the world goes dark.

    1. This is so beautifully romantic. Love the rhymes you used as well. 🙂

  20. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky,
    Then took them away
    And made me cry.

    You laughed the blue
    Into the sea,
    Then gave the very sun
    To me.

    You laughed the love
    Into my heart,
    And then I knew
    We’d never part.

    1. Thank you for responding with your beautiful thoughts and rhymes. 🙂

    1. You laughed the stars
      Into the sky.
      On a cloudless night,
      They shone like diamonds.
      As the moon cast arabesque patterns on
      the lake below.
      Mirroring your mirth, as the moon’s apprentice,
      Calmly twinkling into the night.

      1. Absolutely loved this captivating response. 🙂

  21. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    And cheered the moon
    To rise ahigh
    You howled the birds
    Into the trees
    And chuckled deep
    To stir a breeze

    1. This reads like a musical song a bird would sing. Love the flow and rhymes. 🙂

  22. I laughed the stars
    into the sky
    My muscles hurt, I was so blessed,
    It was when December was but nigh,
    It made a change, as often I was stressed,

    Laughter is the medine for the soul,
    I thanked you for showing me the way,
    Alas, I did feel more whole.
    Every single day in everyway.

    How special I was chosen that plight.
    The time I laughed the stars into the night.

    1. Love the message in this poem. I really believe that “laughter is the medicine for the soul.” This was a wonderful response to the challenge. 🙂

  23. You laughed the stars
    into the sky
    And cried as you watched
    the clouds come by

    Why did they block
    the spectacular view?
    Had they nothing
    else to do?

    You will the sky
    to chase them now
    Applaud as it turns
    to take a bow

    The moon takes on
    a subtle glow
    And the twinkling stars
    complete the show

    1. You remind us that the sky can show us a spectacular show on its heavenly screen. Love your response. 🙂

      1. Thank you for your kind words.

    2. I love the whole picture….I can almost see the moon-lit clouds scudding away.

      1. That’s nice of you to say. I loved your entry too.

  24. A wonderful prompt. I hope you like the outcome….
    Laugh for me again

    You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    I saw them twinkle
    Laugh again for me

    Come little darling
    Watch the night sky
    As you sit by my side
    I see the wonder

    Laughter in your eyes
    A twinkle here and there
    I saw joy sparkle
    Two hearts under the stars

    You laughed the stars
    Into the sky again
    High above, beyond skies
    Laugh again for me

    By C.E. Pereira

    1. I loved the outcome! Melted my heart. 🙂

      1. Laughter is one of the key ingredients in love.😘

  25. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    Twinkling so bright
    On that beautiful evening
    You brought Daisy Mae to me.
    She made it impossible to
    Pass her up by using her lungs and
    Meowing so loud so I could here her.
    She acted so cute and
    Made it so hard to pass her up.
    The night those twinkling stars
    Were so bright as if another
    Member of family had been added.
    The funny part was a new family
    Member had been added.
    So I say thank you to those
    Stars who were laughed into the
    Sky that night because they brought
    Me a new addition to my family.
    That new addition’s name is Daisy Mae.
    I felt so blessed then when she came into
    My life and I feel blessed now and each day
    As I love her daily.
    Her mother was just as beautiful as she is today.
    They looked so much alike.
    All I can say is
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

    1. Sniff, this wasn’t a sad poem but it almost made me cry. I am so happy Daisy Mae became a member of your family. This was beautifully written. 😊💜🐾

  26. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    And the gas right out of

    Apologies – it was the first thing that came to mind, and I ran with it. I am willing/ready to suffer the literary consequences. —CC

    1. No apologies necessary! It’s bad for Uranus to always be holding it in. 😉

      1. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, are also gas giants.

        1. But not as funny as Uranus. 🙂

  27. You laughed the stars into the sky
    Without a second thought
    Now that hubris is left to lie
    What horrors have you wrought

    Every joke reveals its ignorance
    As a clown betrays his sighs
    The desperate have a happy parlance
    As death encroaches nigh

    1. Love the intellectual/philosophical approach you took with this poem. 🙂

  28. You laughed the stars
Into the sky
    and weaved a beautiful story
    Through your eyes
    And I remained in complete awe
    How the shine of stars
    was a shade high
    For you put them there
    In such momentary trice

    1. Your words always hint at a mystery and a story that has yet to be told. Beautiful. 🙂

      1. Thank you my friend. It is all your creation. I just added few words. 🌸😊

        1. Now, now, you can’t do that. It was 95% your creation. 🙂

  29. And then they exploded and died
    And became black holes
    Because your laughter
    Made them that happy

  30. You laughed.
    The stars came to be.
    Bringing light.
    Bringing joy.
    No part of the sky was untouched.
    An unfathomable glow.
    Upon the darkest hour.
    Lighting the world.
    Reigniting the moon.
    A sound so prue.
    A sound so true.
    Resonated from the deep.
    The bellows of you.

    Thanks. I changed it slightly, sorry. This is pretty neat.:)

    1. No need to apologize! As long as you enjoyed doing the prompt, that’s the most important thing. And you did such a beautiful job with it, so how could anyone complain? 😉

      1. Thank you!

  31. Your giggles stimulated
    the wee birds

    1. What a perfect response from a feline writer! 😸🌸🐾

      1. hey, right, you’re using a cat’s face for your photo as well! 🙂

  32. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    And cried the seas
    Into the deep.
    With honest hands
    You crafted life,
    By all intent
    You planned to keep.

    Nice prompt, Cubby! Thank you and here’s a short one 🙂

    1. I can’t think of more perfect lines than the ones you added. Really excellent job! 🙂

  33. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    And exhaled the soul
    Out of my body

    1. This is a very intriguing response! 🙂

  34. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    It’s a memory
    That puts tears in my eye.

    We talked all day
    And danced all night.
    The perfect date,
    The city lights.

    And then you got in your car
    Never to be seen again.
    Oh, even though you’re so far
    My heart will always be your den.

    1. That is really beautiful and sad. Thank you for your wonderful entry. 🙂

  35. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky
    Burning holes
    The darkness
    wherever I go
    But so does your light.

    1. Sorry it took me so long to respond. This was really lovely! 🙂

  36. Night Falls With Joy

    You laughed the stars
    into the sky
    Out there past Mars
    as the crow flies
    Then hummed a tune
    and smiled the moon
    as night took flight

    Thank you for finding my site, as it led me to yours. This was a fun challenge and fit well in the form I’ve chosen to use.

    1. I’m glad you had fun with the challenge! I love your response. Made me smile. 😊

  37. You laughed the stars
    into the sky,
    Funny, now after ten jars
    In the gutter I lie. (This is a nice idea- UnboltMe does a similar kind of thing. And thanks for peeking in…)

    1. What a unique response! Love it. 🙂

  38. You laughed the stars in
    To the sky with great gusto
    A delight for all

    1. Lovely response! I put the title of your blog as bellabirth. Please let me know if you would like this changed. 🙂

  39. You laughed the stars
    into the sky.
    Spinning like a manic pinwheel,
    arms outstretched.

    I must admit,
    it was from that moment on that I truly appreciated you.
    Wonderful you, finally accepting your excellence as midnight crashed upon us.

    Tucked away in the back garden,
    I needed to be free with you.
    We laughed the stars into the sky,
    shedding our disguises, loving who we really were.
    I hope this won’t be our last time.

    1. What a beautiful response. Love it. 🙂

      1. Thank you so much ! I enjoyed this one a lot !

  40. You laughed the stars
    Into the sky,
    Your smile, a new moon,
    With eyes crinkling bright.
    You made moonbeams
    to bathe lovers in blue light,
    And I too fell in love…
    How could I not fall in love
    With your magic.?

    1. Love the imagery! Beautiful response. 🙂

      1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Was a lovely poetic place to take off from…

  41. Here’s my entry, thanks for the prompt!

      1. 🙂 🙂

  42. What a lovely prompt!

    You laughed the stars
    into the sky
    and cried the Milky Way

    then smiled the sun
    into the blue
    as the break of day.

    1. And what a lovely response! Loved the rhyme at the end. 🙂

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